
Benjamin EllisBenjamin Ellis works at the intersection of technology and people, working with Big Data and Machine Learning (AI), combining his background in engineering,  psychology and philosophy to bring new technologies to market, and create positive organisational change.

Always Benjamin, very rarely Ben, Benjamin is, or has been, variously: A CMO, CTO, CEO, a radio show host, a professional speaker, a lecturer, a psychology researcher, a writer, a photographer, a producer, a musician, an information security consultant, a data protection specialist, a full stack software developer, a standards author, a head of product, an investor, a search and rescue target, and a grateful parent to four talented children and an assistent flock-keeper for some rather adventurous chickens.

Benjamin is a founding director at SocialOptic (the people behind Milestone Planner and SurveyOptic), and is an investor and strategic advisor for a number of high growth businesses. A combined background in engineering, marketing and psychology make Benjamin a popular speaker and highly valued consultant. This site is an aggregation of Benjamin’s activities from around the web, as well as home to Benjamin’s personal blog. You can contact Benjamin via LinkedIn or the Contact Page here.